/* from http://maemo.org/development/documentation/how-tos/3-x/howto_connectivity_guide_bora.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "zlib.h" /* for file compression */ #include "gps.h" /* for reading GPS data from daemon */ #include "gpsbt.h" /* GPS BT package */ #define VERSION "1.0" #define MAX_BUF 255 #define MAX_ERROR_BUF_LEN 255 static int started_from_server = 0; static int dont_quit = 1; static int restart = 0; static int radius = 10; /* how much (in metres) the user has to move before * we update the coordinate */ static gzFile fp = NULL; /* output file is compressed to save space */ static unsigned long data_id; static struct gps_data_t *gpsd; static gpsbt_t ctx = {0}; /* clearing the context is important! */ static pthread_mutex_t quit_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t query_gpsd_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_cond_t query_gpsd_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; #define MAX_GPSDEV_LEN 64 static char gpsdev[MAX_GPSDEV_LEN+1] = {0}; static void usage(char *prg, char *str) { if (str) printf(str); printf("Usage: %s [-f ] [-s] [-g ] [-r ]\n", prg); printf("\t-f , the GPS data is saved in compressed form in this file.\n"); printf("\t-s the program is started by server\n"); printf("\t-g , the GPS device id i.e., GPS BT address or rfcomm address\n"); printf("\t-p , GPS BT address of the device to be paired with\n"); printf("\t-r , in metres (not used at the moment)\n"); printf("\t-D turn debugging on in this program\n"); printf("\t-F , flush gzipped output file after timeout seconds, default is not to flush\n"); printf("\t-x \n"); printf("\t-y \n"); printf("\t-z \n"); printf("\t-b daemonize i.e., run in background\n"); printf("\t-i , save the pid to this file\n"); printf("\n"); exit(-1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Can be called from main thread or from signal handler thread. Used because * it is possible that connection to gpsd is blocked which would mean that * main thread is also blocked. */ static int quit(void) { int st; /* note that the mutex is not unlocked anywhere! */ st = pthread_mutex_trylock(&quit_mutex); if (st != 0) { /* already locked, just wait the exit */ pause(); /* the other thread will do the cleanup */ exit(0); } /* tell the beast to stop */ gps_close(gpsd); st = gpsbt_stop(&ctx); if (st<0) { printf("gpsbt_stop(): error: %s, %d\n", strerror(errno), errno); } if (fp) gzclose(fp); fp = NULL; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void *signal_handler(void *arg) { sigset_t set; int sig, st; char *pidfile = (char *)arg; int dont_quit2 = 2; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); if (pidfile) { pid_t pid = getpid(); FILE *pidf; pidf = fopen(pidfile, "w"); if (!pidf) { printf("Cannot write pid to pidfile (%s)\n", pidfile); perror(pidfile); exit(-1); } fprintf(pidf, "%lu", (unsigned long)pid); fclose(pidf); } /* If we get a second quit signal, then we quit the process because * this condition probably means that the main thread is blocking * and unable to stop. */ while (dont_quit2) { st = sigwait(&set, &sig); if (!st) { switch (sig) { case SIGHUP: printf("Restarting\n"); restart = 1; break; case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: printf("Quitting\n"); dont_quit = 0; dont_quit2--; break; default: printf("Got signal %d\n", sig); break; } } } if (!dont_quit2) { quit(); exit(0); } pthread_exit(NULL); /* we should not get here if quit() is called */ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* using only n. digits precision i.e., truncate to n digits */ static inline double round2(double val, int digits) { unsigned long val2; double val3; int i; int multiple = 1; if (digits>6) return val; for (i=0; istatus && sentence->online && sentence->fix.mode>1 && (sentence->set & (LATLON_SET | ALTITUDE_SET))) { /* We only print data if it has been changed and * if latitude and longitude are real numbers. */ static double prev_lat = 0.0; static double prev_lon = 0.0; static double prev_alt = 0.0; double lat, lon, alt; lat = round2(sentence->fix.latitude,4); lon = round2(sentence->fix.longitude,4); alt = round(sentence->fix.altitude); if ((prev_lat != lat || prev_lon != lon )) { prev_lat = lat; prev_lon = lon; gzprintf(fp, "T=%lu " "M=%d " "LAT=%.6f " "LON=%.6f " "EPH=%.3f " "ALT=%.3f " "EPV=%.3f " "TRK=%.3f " "EPD=%.3f " "SPD=%.3f " "\n" , (unsigned long)sentence->fix.time, sentence->fix.mode, sentence->fix.latitude, sentence->fix.longitude, sentence->fix.eph, sentence->fix.altitude, sentence->fix.epv, sentence->fix.track, sentence->fix.epd, sentence->fix.speed ); } } } /* print data to gui server if it is used */ if (started_from_server) { static double prev_lat = 0.0; static double prev_lon = 0.0; double lat, lon; lat = round2(sentence->fix.latitude,6); lon = round2(sentence->fix.longitude,6); if ((prev_lat != lat || prev_lon != lon || 0 ) && sentence->fix.time ) { prev_lat = lat; prev_lon = lon; printf( "T=%lu " "M=%d " "LAT=%.6f " "LON=%.6f " "EPH=%.3f " "ALT=%.3f " "EPV=%.3f " "TRK=%.3f " "EPD=%.3f " "SPD=%.3f " "\n" , (unsigned long)sentence->fix.time, sentence->fix.mode, sentence->fix.latitude, sentence->fix.longitude, sentence->fix.eph, sentence->fix.altitude, sentence->fix.epv, sentence->fix.track, sentence->fix.epd, sentence->fix.speed ); } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int cmd_error(char *id, char *fmt, char *str) { if (id) printf("%s ", id); printf("ERROR "); printf(fmt, str); printf("\n"); return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int cmd_ok(char *id) { if (id) printf("%s ", id); printf("OK\n"); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline int cmd_version(char *id) { printf("%s %s\n", id, VERSION); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline int cmd_start(char *id) { return cmd_error(id, "Not implemented yet: %s", "START"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline int cmd_stop(char *id) { #if 1 dont_quit = 0; return cmd_ok(id); #else return cmd_error(id, "Not implemented yet: %s", "STOP"); #endif } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline int cmd_restart(char *id) { #if 1 restart = 1; return cmd_ok(id); #else return cmd_error(id, "Not implemented yet: %s", "RESTART"); #endif } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline int cmd_radius(char *id, char *params) { return cmd_error(id, "Not implemented yet: %s", "RADIUS"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline int cmd_device(char *id, char *params) { #if 1 strncpy(gpsdev, params, MAX_GPSDEV_LEN); restart = 1; return cmd_ok(id); #else return cmd_error(id, "Not implemented yet: %s", "GPS"); #endif } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int call(char *line) { char *id=NULL, *cmd, *params, *p; p = strstr(line, " "); if (!p) { return cmd_error(line, "Syntax error: %s", line); } *p = '\0'; p++; id = line; cmd = p; p = strstr(p, " "); if (!p) { /* eol */ int cmd_len = strlen(cmd); if (cmd_len > 0) cmd[cmd_len-1] = '\0'; params = NULL; } else { int params_len; *p++ = '\0'; params = p; params_len = strlen(params); if (params_len > 0) params[params_len-1] = '\0'; } if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "VERSION")) { return cmd_version(id); } if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "GPS")) { return cmd_device(id, params); } if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "START")) { return cmd_start(id); } if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "STOP")) { return cmd_stop(id); } if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "RESTART")) { return cmd_restart(id); } if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "RADIUS")) { return cmd_radius(id, params); } return cmd_error(id, "Invalid command: %s", cmd); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Wait data from user interface process */ static void *command_handler(void *arg) { char buf[MAX_BUF+1]; int idx = 0, st; int fd = fileno(stdin); while (dont_quit) { st = read(fd, &buf[idx], MAX_BUF-idx); if (!st) { dont_quit = 0; /* quit on eof */ break; } call(&buf[idx]); memset(buf, 0, MAX_BUF); } pthread_exit(NULL); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Query GPS daemon for coordinate. This is done in separate thread so that * main thread is not blocked if gps_query() blocks. */ static void *gpsd_query_handler(void *arg) { int st; while (dont_quit) { /* we wait until the main thread triggers us to do the query */ st = pthread_cond_wait(&query_gpsd_cond, &query_gpsd_mutex); if (st) { ; /* error, what to do now */ } /* Note that gpsd timeouts the connection after one minute * if there is no traffic to the client i.e., to this process, * so ask position data every 30 seconds. */ gps_query(gpsd, "p"); /* current position */ } pthread_exit(NULL); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int daemon_init(void) { pid_t pid; if ((pid=fork())<0) return -1; else if (pid!=0) exit(0); /* parent exists */ setsid(); chdir("/"); umask(0); return(0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; char *file = 0; int ret = 0, st; struct gps_data_t *gps; pthread_t th_sig, th_cmd, th_gps, th_ask; int radius_arg; sigset_t set; int daemonize = 0; char *pidfile = NULL; unsigned int flush_timeout = 0; unsigned long count = 0; /* GPS BT vars */ int gpsbt_debug_level = 0; int gpsmgr_debug_level = 0; int gpsd_debug_level = 0; char errbuf[MAX_ERROR_BUF_LEN+1] = {0}; char *bda = NULL; srand(time(0)); data_id = (unsigned long)rand(); while ((c=getopt(argc, argv, "bDf:F:g:hi:p:r:sx:y:z:T"))>-1) { switch (c) { case 'b': daemonize = 1; break; case 'f': file = optarg; break; case 'F': flush_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'g': strncpy(gpsdev, optarg, MAX_GPSDEV_LEN); break; case 'i': pidfile = optarg; break; case 'p': bda = optarg; break; case 'r': radius_arg = atoi(optarg); if (radius_arg!=0) radius=radius_arg; break; case 's': started_from_server = 1; break; case 'x': gpsmgr_debug_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'y': gpsbt_debug_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'z': gpsd_debug_level = atoi(optarg); break; default: printf("Invalid option found.\n"); case 'h': usage(argv[0], 0); break; } } /* Then use the libgpsbt library which starts the gps daemon */ if (bda) { printf("Initiating pairing to %s, restart this program after pairing is finished.\n", bda); gpsbt_init_pairing(bda); exit(1); /* wait the pairing to finish and then restart this program */ } if (daemonize) daemon_init(); /* Signal handler checks normal signals so we must block them now */ sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); /* Following threads are started: * - command thread (only if started with -s option) * - signal handler */ pthread_create(&th_sig, NULL, signal_handler, (void *)pidfile); pthread_create(&th_ask, NULL, gpsd_query_handler, NULL); if (started_from_server) pthread_create(&th_cmd, NULL, command_handler, NULL); if (gpsmgr_debug_level) gpsmgr_set_debug_mode(gpsmgr_debug_level); /* Note that output file is not closed in restart case because gzip * file will be truncated. Also "a" (=append) flag cannot be used * because it seems to confuse gzip library (gunzip says the file is * corrupted). */ fp = NULL; if (file) { fp = gzopen(file, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { perror("gzopen"); exit(-1); } } RESTART: restart = 0; count = 0; st = gpsbt_start(gpsdev[0] ? gpsdev : NULL, gpsbt_debug_level, gpsd_debug_level, 0, /* port */ errbuf, MAX_ERROR_BUF_LEN, 0, /* timeout */ &ctx); if (st<0) { printf("gpsbt_start(): error: %s, %d [%s]\n", strerror(errno), errno, errbuf); goto OUT; } /* let the gpsd process start */ sleep(1); gpsd = gps_open("", DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT); /* default port is 2947 */ gps_set_callback(gpsd, gps_callback, &th_gps); /* Then just wait the data from gps device */ while (dont_quit) { if (restart) { gps_close(gpsd); st = gpsbt_stop(&ctx); if (st<0) { printf("gpsbt_stop(): error: %s, %d\n", strerror(errno), errno); } goto RESTART; } if (!dont_quit) break; /* restart the beast if gpsd stops */ if (!gpsmgr_is_gpsd_running(&ctx.mgr, NULL, GPSMGR_MODE_JUST_CHECK)) { restart = 1; continue; } /* Flush gzip file if necessary */ if (flush_timeout && !(time(0) % flush_timeout)) { if (fp) { st = gzflush(fp, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); if (st != Z_OK) { int val = 0; printf("ERROR: %s\n", gzerror(fp, &val)); } } } if (!dont_quit) break; /* ask current position from gpsd */ if (!(count % 30)) { pthread_cond_signal(&query_gpsd_cond); } sleep(1); count++; } quit(); OUT: exit(ret); }