The Trebucet of Doom
Golf-ball throwing trebuchet built for grade 11 Physics project
Lots of Monte Carlo and general fun simulations from
The Algorithmic Beauty of the Trebuchet
The trebuchet was built from sections of aluminium sheet - the components
had to fit in a shoebox 30cm x 20cm x 16cm. Elements under compression
were bent to a shallow "L" section for stiffness. The axle is screwed rod
with sleeve bearings made from brass tube. The release finger is basically
another sleeve bearing designed to come apart. The sling is nylon cord
with a naugahyde cup.
What I think got built (for wintreb and monte carlo):
l1 13cm 0.426ft
l2 51.5cm 1.69ft
l3 2.1ft (adjustable)
l4 29cm 0.95ft
l5 50.5cm 1.656ft
m1 11.4lb (3 small SCUBA weights)
m2 0.1lb (golf ball)
mb 0.5lb
video of the trebuchet in action:
- 3.avi
- 4.avi
- (also 1.avi,2,5-8 etc. All pretty similar, with slightly different
sling lengths - AVI from xawtv video capture from 8mm camcorder, no sound)
- 000_0550.MOV (served from TRIUMF on BCnet)
- (also 0552, 0553, 0556, 0557, 0558, 0560: Quicktime from digital camera)
The range of the trebuchet is a complex function of the beam dimensions,
counterweight arm length and sling length. Maximum range is acheived
when the projectile is released at an angle of 45 degrees. Maximum efficiency
is acheived when all the potential energy in the falling counterweight is
transformed into kinetic energy in the projectile. For this to happen, the
counterweight must come to a halt at release (otherwise it would still
have some kinetic energy). With optimal sling length, the sling pulls
back on the throwing arm, slowing it and transferring energy to the projectile.