username | Total | passwords [count] |
mailnull | 2024 | Zz123456[2] zyad1234[2] zxl[2] zq[2] zl123[2] zimbra[2] zhangyan7tian[2] zhanglei123[2] zhangjian[2] Zh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r[2] yolanda[2] xep624[2] ww123456[2] wordpress123[2] wms[2] willy[2] wildfly[2] wfp[2] wetserver[2] Welcome@2020[2] Welcome@1[2] Welcome@123[2] weblogic1[2] webdev[2] we123[2] wb58..[2] watchdog[2] walter[2] vpnuser1[2] vladimir[2] virginia[2] vasile[2] useruser[2] user5[2] user02[2] uno8[2] uClinux[2] tunnel[2] tst[2] ts1[2] tricia[2] transfer[2] toyota[2] tor[2] tomtom[2] tomcat8[2] tomas[2] tms[2] titan[2] tidb[2] tianyong123[2] test4[2] test123test[2] test123![2] Test1234[2] test@123456[2] terra[2] ten[2] tempftp[2] tanya[2] tableau[2] system123[2] susan[2] summer[2] stxadmin[2] student8[2] student6[2] storm123[2] st[2] stephen[2] stefan[2] steamsrv[2] Start123[2] ssh[2] soho[2] sklep[2] sirhack123[2] sinusbot[2] simple[2] sidney[2] shahid[2] shadow123[2] sgp123[2] sftpuser[2] SERVICE[2] serge[2] secreto[2] sean[2] scheduler[2] saurabh[2] satis[2] sara[2] sandra[2] sambit[2] Russ!n@nt[2] rsync[2] root!@%23[2] Root2019[2] root2019[2] Root_123[2] Root123456[2] root123456@[2] rodney123[2] robert[2] rob123[2] recruit[2] ranger[2] rancher123[2] QWERT!@%23$%25[2] qwert123$%25^[2] QWER4321[2] qweqwe123123[2] !@%23qweasd[2] Qwe123!@%23[2] qwasyx21[2] qw123456[2] qd8899xyz[2] Qazxsw123[2] qazwsx123!@%23[2] qazedc1234[2] QAZ!@%23123,.[2] python[2] pulse[2] p@ssword1[2] P@ssw0rdP@ssw0rd[2] p@ssw0rdmns[2] P@ssw0rd@2018[2] P@ssw0rd.123[2] P@ss12%23$[2] prof[2] production[2] privacy[2] printer[2] princess123[2] pp[2] postgres1[2] portfolio[2] pippo[2] photos[2] pgadmin[2] pentium4[2] pentaho[2] penis[2] peer[2] peace[2] pawel[2] paula[2] Password!@%23x[2] pass@word[2] password123456[2] PaSSworD0[2] pass!@%23$[2] pass999[2] Pass123[2] Pass.123[2] pass123$[2] panin[2] P455w0rd1[2] p455w0rd123[2] p455w0rd12345[2] oscar123[2] orauat[2] oraprod[2] oracle2019[2] oracle2018[2] oracle01[2] operations[2] openstack[2] openhab[2] opengts[2] online[2] omega[2] olga[2] ok[2] odoo2018[2] nut123[2] nopassword[2] NM1$88[2] nicholas[2] neeraj@123[2] nathaniel[2] nagios@123[2] mrj[2] mpiuser[2] mosquitto[2] mosh[2] mono[2] monica[2] monica123[2] mongo[2] mon[2] mnbvcxz[2] mnbvc[2] mmx[2] Mm123456[2] misha[2] mis[2] miner1324[2] melanie[2] megaeyes[2] mauro[2] mast3r[2] marvin[2] marjorie[2] marisa[2] manager1[2] mama[2] ma5t3r[2] lzh[2] lw[2] luis[2] logger[2] llwl507cn.1314[2] ljm[2] Linux@123[2] linux123!@%23[2] lily[2] lero[2] leonidas[2] lawrence[2] larry[2] lakers[2] labuser[2] L4sV3gas2010![2] ks123[2] klaus123[2] kiran@123[2] kelly[2] kedacom[2] KcP1e@%25B%23zRp3X8[2] karina[2] karen123[2] kara[2] kannel[2] justin123[2] julio[2] julien[2] julie[2] julian[2] juancarlos[2] juan123[2] joshua123[2] jon[2] jo[2] jesse@123[2] jenkins123[2] jeff[2] jboss@123[2] isadmin[2] isabelle[2] iptv!@%23456[2] ips[2] intelinside[2] insight[2] informix1[2] info1234[2] impala[2] Ih3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r[2] Idc@123[2] icecast[2] hr[2] hp[2] homer[2] hmsftp[2] hive[2] hik12345+[2] hello@123[2] helen123[2] he[2] hedonism[2] hawkco[2] hamza[2] guest3[2] gregory[2] gray[2] google![2] gloria[2] gio[2] g[2] gerencia[2] gerald123[2] gen[2] gbl123!@%23[2] gata[2] gamemaster[2] ftpusr[2] ftp-user[2] ftppass[2] ftp_pass[2] ftpguest[2] ftb[2] frontier[2] franco[2] francis123[2] fr33d0m[2] Founder123[2] *[2] @[2] fln75g[2] fireball[2] family[2] external[2] evangeline[2] Essiq[2] escaner[2] esadmin[2] erp123[2] erica123[2] eminem[2] elvis[2] elias[2] %23EDC4rfv[2] easy[2] dustin[2] du[2] dp[2] dominique[2] dockeruser[2] @dmin[2] dm[2] dl[2] diablo[2] devman[2] devin[2] desk[2] Dell123[2] decoracion[2] deborah123[2] dd@123[2] dcadmin[2] data123[2] dandan[2] dalia123[2] da[2] cubrid[2] csvn[2] cs[2] consulta[2] comercial[2] com123[2] coder[2] cmsuser[2] cmsadmin[2] clement[2] city[2] cheng[2] chelsea[2] charlie[2] chang123[2] chandra[2] cft6xdr5zse4[2] cdr[2] cc[2] carter[2] carmen[2] caleb123[2] caixa[2] cache123[2] cache@1234[2] c2n366lp[2] builder[2] bugtracer[2] budget[2] bo[2] bobby[2] bitcoin123[2] bitch123[2] bishop123[2] bhx[2] benny123[2] bdc[2] bank[2] avahi[2] ast3r1sk[2] ashish@123[2] as[2] ASDFzxcvQWER[2] Asdf123!@%23[2] asdf@123[2] asdf12345[2] arma3[2] applmgr[2] apache@123[2] anurag[2] antonio[2] ansadmin[2] andre[2] analytics[2] ambilogger[2] altair[2] alpha123[2] alison123[2] ali123[2] alfresco[2] alexander[2] alexalex[2] alejandro[2] ajmal[2] admin123.[2] admin.123[2] admin1234%25^&[2] admi[2] acap[2] abhishek[2] abhishek@123[2] abcde1234[2] Abcd!234[2] abcd-1234[2] abcABC123[2] abc123$[2] abc123!@[2] abc123ABC[2] Abc123456789[2] Ab123[2] AAAaaa111[2] aa112233[2] a123456@[2] a1234567890[2] a123321[2] 9[2] 7758521[2] 706e642a056c7e894ed5a01e55700004[2] 5tgb^YHN[2] 4yM8cd2zLJKWm[2] 4815162342[2] 321123[2] 2wsx[2] 23wesdxc[2] 2020[2] 1qaz2wsx!@[2] 1qaz2wsx1qaz[2] 1Q2w3e4r[2] 1q2w3e4R[2] 1q2w3e4r@[2] 1q2w3e4r5T[2] 1a2b3c4d[2][2] 123sazx[2] 123QWEqwe[2] 123qwe!@[2] 123!@[2] 123ewqasdcxz[2] 123aqw[2] 123@abcd[2] 123abcde[2] 123987[2] 1234qwe[2] 1234qazwsx[2] 123456Qq[2] 123456asdf[2] 123456789a%3f[2] 1234567890-=[2] 123123qwe[2] 1223334444[2] 1029384756[2] 0okm9ijn[2] zZ123456[1] zz123456[1] zx[1] zxcvzxcv[1] ZXCasdQWE123[1] Zxc123456[1] zope[1] zookeeper[1] znc-admin[1] zk[1] zipadmin[1] zhangl[1] zhangjie123[1] zhang123456[1] zh3I5LiK3P4rtY@v3r[1] zf[1] Zaq1Xsw2[1] zaq123[1] z4bb1x[1] yy[1] YwLyLdLb6Ld2ttHW[1] yuyang[1] y[1] yan[1] xxxx[1] xiaowei[1] xiao123456[1] xerox[1] xavier[1] wy[1][1] @WSX3edc[1] wpuser[1] wp[1] worlddomination[1] worker[1] wocloud[1] winter[1] wifi[1] werner[1] Welcome123$[1] Welcome@1234[1] weixin[1] wei123456[1] webs[1] webapps[1] webapp[1] web1[1] web@123[1] web12345[1] warehouse[1] wagner[1] w3bm4st3r[1] vtcbikes123[1] vp[1] vncuser[1] vmail[1] vlc[1] vivek[1] vivek123[1] vince[1] vinay123[1] victor[1] vertica[1] ventas[1] ventas123[1] venkat[1] %2fvar%2ftmp%2f.var03522123[1] vandidei12[1] valerie123[1] valentin[1] utnubu[1] usuario2[1] username123[1] userftp[1] User[1] user8[1] user2[1] user22[1] user13[1] user@123[1] user123456[1] user1@123[1] user001[1] uno[1] unicorn[1] ubuntu1[1] ubuntu1234[1] ubntubnt[1] ubnt1[1] tyler[1] tuxedo[1] tsm[1] tslinux[1] tsbot[1] ts3bot[1] trixie[1] tr[1] trevor[1] train[1] train5[1] train1[1] toortoor[1] tooradmin[1] tommy[1] tomcat7[1] tomcat123[1] tmp123[1] tmax[1] titine[1] ting[1] timemachine[1] time[1] tibco[1] thomas123[1] thinker[1] theresa[1] tg[1] tf2server[1] testuser2[1] testuser@123[1] testt[1] testtest1[1] Test[1] tester1[1] testbed[1] test8[1] test7[1] test5[1] test123123[1] teresa[1] temp890!@%23[1] Tele@123[1] teamspeeek[1] teamspeak123[1] team1[1] tdatuser[1] tbd[1] tata[1] tanya123[1] tania[1] t1l2cm3r[1] sysman[1] sys[1] Symbol[1] symbol[1] symantec[1] swingbylabs[1] supportAtlanta[1] sunday[1] sumit123[1] sub[1] stunnel[1] student4[1] student3[1] student10[1] stream[1] Str0ngpA55w0rD[1] stewart[1] stephanie[1] stepan[1] stella[1] steamsteam[1] steamcmd[1] steam1[1] starwars[1] Ss123456[1] sql2008[1] splunk[1] spider[1] sonarqube[1] sonar[1] snoopy[1] smile101[1] smbuser[1] smart[1] sky[1] sk[1] skaner[1] siva[1] sinus[1] sinus2[1] sinus1[1] simone[1] silvia[1] shubham[1] shoutcast[1] shared[1] Sh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r[1] sg[1] sftptest[1] servidor[1] serveur[1] serverpilot[1] server2[1] Server2020[1] Server2008[1] Server@123[1] sergey[1] sentry[1] sentinel[1] send[1] secretaria[1] seb[1] seafile[1] screencast[1] scorpion[1] sce[1] scan123[1] sat[1] sas[1] sarah123[1] sandeep@123[1] samp[1] sam[1] salt[1] sakshi@123[1] sai[1] sai123[1] safeuser[1] ruser[1] rsync123[1] rs[1] roy123[1] rowd[1] rose[1] rosa[1] Root@2020[1] root1qaz!QAZ[1] root12%23$[1] Root123%23[1] Root!@%23123[1] root123.[1] Root1234!@%23$[1] Root1234![1] root1234!@%23$[1] root1234![1] Root@123456[1] root1234567[1] Root123123[1] roman[1] roger[1] rodrigo[1] robin[1] roberto[1] rick[1] rick123[1] richard[1] rhino[1] Rh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r[1] rg[1] rex[1] resu[1] report[1] renato[1] registry[1] redsox[1] redis123[1] recovery[1] record[1] reception[1] recepcion[1] recepcao[1] readonly[1] reader[1] rd[1] ravi@123[1] raju[1] rajesh[1] rails[1] rahul[1] rahul@123[1] radio[1] radio123[1] r00tr00t[1] QWEzxc123[1] qwertyASDFGHzxcvbn[1] Qwerty2[1] Qwerty1![1] qwerty@123[1] qwert123456[1] qwer[1] !q@w%23e$r[1] Qwer!234[1] qwer12%23$[1][1] qwe!@%23asd!@%23zxc[1] !@%23QWEasd[1] qweASD123[1] qwe123qwe!@%23[1] qwe123$%25^[1] QWE123ASD123ZXC[1] qwe1234a[1] qwaszx123[1] !Q@W3e4r[1] quest[1] qua8GLPogUMoy6[1] qq[1] qazzaq123[1] !QAZXSW@[1] !QAZxsw2%23EDCvfr4%25TGB[1] Qazxsw21[1] !qAz@wSx[1] qaz@WSX[1] qazwsx1[1] qazwsx@123[1] qazwsx1234[1] qaz[1] !Qaz2wsx[1] QAZ123qaz[1] Qaz12345[1] qa123456[1] !Q2w%23E4r%25T[1] !Q2w3e4r5t[1] P@$$word[1] P@$$word1[1] P@ssword1234[1] P@ssw0rds[1] P@SSW0RD[1] P@ssW0rd[1] P@ssw0rd!![1] p@ssw0rd![1] P@ssw0rd789[1] program[1] proftpd[1] privatew[1] print[1] pramod[1] pramod@123[1] pppppp[1] ppp[1] Postgres[1] postgres01[1] portail[1] polycom[1] piotr[1] pico9182[1] philippe[1] penny[1] pc[1] pa$$word1[1] paulo[1] paul[1] passwOrd[1] Password@1[1] Password123!@%23[1] Password123![1] Password!123[1] Password@12345[1] passworD0[1] password0[1] passwd1234[1] pass@w0rd[1] Passw0rd123![1] passroot[1] passpassa[1] pass!@%23$%25^[1] passabc[1] pass321[1] pass1[1] pass1111[1] pascal[1] pas123[1] partl[1] pantera[1] panel[1] pakistan[1] pa55wd[1] P4$$word[1] p4$$word1[1] P4ssword[1] P4ssw0rd![1] P45w0rd[1] P455wOrd[1] p455wOrd123[1] p455word0[1] p455w0rd1[1] P455w0rd12[1] p455w0rd12[1] p455w0rd1234[1] p123456789[1] p0o9i8u7y6t5r4e3w2q1[1] p05tgr35[1] otrs[1] osm[1] order[1] oradev[1] Oracle[1] oracle!@%23[1] oracle2017[1] oracle12[1] Oracle123[1] oracle1234[1] op[1] OpenSSH_qw34*siemhaidena34zc4780q[1] openproject[1] open[1] openfire[1] opc[1] oozie[1] oneadmin[1] omsagent[1] O&m15213[1] olivier[1] o[1] ocean[1] ocadmin[1] nuxeo[1] nuc[1] notes[1] noc123[1] NISECTC5002[1] nikki[1] nikhil[1] nikhil123[1] nicole123[1] ngf1r3wall[1] nfe[1] next[1] newyork[1] newuser[1] newadmin[1] ncs[1] nano[1] nagios123[1] na[1] n4g10s[1] mzd[1] mythtv123[1] mysql@123[1] mysql123456[1] mypassword[1] multimedia[1] muffin[1] m@ster[1] msos[1] msf[1] mqm[1] mq[1] mos[1] monitor123[1] monit123[1] mongouser[1] mongodb[1] Mondragon12[1] mohamed[1] mmm[1] mkt[1] mitra123[1] mit123[1] mine[1] minecraftpassword[1] mima123456[1] milan[1] microsoft[1] mickey[1] michel[1] michael123[1] miao[1] Mh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r[1] mgeweb[1] mexico[1] metallica[1] meng[1] melvin123[1] mazda1[1] max[1] max2play[1] matthew[1] matlab[1] marvin123[1] marsboard[1] market[1] marine[1] marijuanamea123[1] margaret[1] marcus[1] marconi[1] marcela[1] mapred[1] manu[1] mani[1] man[1] mandrake[1] manage[1] main[1] magento[1] magento123[1] ma5ter[1] m@5t3r[1] lynn[1] lxy[1] lx[1] lukas[1] lukas123[1] lucia[1] lucas[1] lsfadmin123[1] logview[1] log[1] Ll123456[1] liwei[1] lisa[1] lin[1] lin123[1] liming[1] libsys[1] liang[1] lfs[1] letm31n[1] leonard123[1] leandro[1] laurent[1] lakshmi@123[1] labor[1] l3tmein[1] l1nux[1] kxw[1] kusanagi[1] kumar[1] kube[1] kuba[1] koha[1] knight[1] kms[1] kk[1] kiki[1] k[1] kfk[1] keith123[1] kd[1] karen[1] kai[1] kafka[1] kafka@123[1] jumptest[1] julius[1] juliana[1] julia[1] judy[1] Joshua123[1] josh[1] jorge[1] jojo[1] johnson[1] john123[1] joan[1] jira[1] jihye[1] jiaxing[1] jesa[1] jeremy[1] jeremy123[1] jefferson[1] jc[1] jboss123[1] janice123[1] janet[1] james[1] james123[1] james12345[1] jamaica[1] jairo[1] jacob[1] jack123[1] jabber[1] ivan[1] itsupport[1] its[1] iroda[1] iris[1] irina[1] irc[1] ircd[1] ircd123[1] iptv@1234[1] iop123[1] invite[1] inter[1] inssserver[1] infra[1] info1[1] info123[1] info@123[1] igor[1] i[1] ifeelgood[1] idc@123[1] ibm@123[1] hxhtadmin[1] hub[1] Huawei!@%23[1] huawei12%23$[1] Huawei123%23[1] hua[1] httpd[1] hp@123[1] holaquetal[1] hola[1] hoge[1] hoang[1] hmn[1] hl[1] HK123COM[1] hipchat[1] hg[1] h[1] hero[1] Hello123[1] hello1234[1] harley[1] haproxy123[1] HanTianKV[1] hans[1] hannah[1] halt[1] hafiz[1] hadoop!@%23[1] hadoop123[1] hadoop@123[1] hacluster[1] guracainarului[1] gui[1] guestuser[1] guestguest[1] guest2020[1] guest1234[1] gtp[1] grenoble[1] Google123[1] gogs[1] god[1] gmod[1] globe1[1] gk[1] gitlab123[1] gitgit[1] gitadmin[1] git2019[1] git1[1] giovanni[1] ginseng[1] ginger[1] gilberto[1] gibbons[1] ghost[1] ggmmhmf800!@%23[1] gg[1] gerard[1] georgia[1] GBHalso98[1] gabriel[1] g00gl3[1] furukawa[1] fuckyou123[1] ftpserver[1] ftpsecure[1] ftp2[1] ftp1[1] free[1] freddy[1] frappe[1] fourjs[1] Founder@123[1] +[1] $[1] @%23$%25^&*!()[1] @%23$%25^&[1] ..[1] foo[1] flyer[1] flora[1] floo4all[1] FlIECHp0R3[1] fileshare[1] file[1] FG[1] felipe123[1] fedena[1] fastuser[1] falcon[1] fabian[1] ezosos[1] exploit[1] eversec123098[1] eventos[1] ethos[1] es123[1] erp[1] ernesto[1] erik[1] eric[1] erica[1] enigma[1] emma[1] emma123[1] emma1234[1] emerson[1] eli[1] elena[1] elemental[1] elastic123[1] elaine[1] ehsan[1] Eh3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r[1] e[1] edo[1] eco[1] eclipsa971982ingerul[1] dylan[1] duke[1] Dubai@123[1] dst[1] dsg[1] dsadm[1] drcomadmin123[1] download[1] dottie[1] doctor[1] Docker![1] dockeradmin[1] @dministr@t0r[1] @dministrator[1] divya[1] dima[1] diego[1] diego123[1] dhis[1] dev1[1] desktop123[1] deploypass[1] demodemo[1] dell@123[1] delgado[1] deinemutter[1] deinemudda[1] dede[1] debian123[1] ddd[1] dd9127[1] dbusr[1] dbuser123[1] dba[1] db2pass[1] daryl123[1] darshan[1] darkokicevohack123[1] dante123[1] danielle[1] damian[1] d3pl0y3r[1] d3bian[1] d3b1an[1] D13HH[[1] cyrus[1] cyril123[1] cyber[1] cxwh[1] cxlinux[1] customer123[1] cups[1] CumulusLinux![1] cubox-i[1] Ctyun**1[1] csgosrv[1] csgo123[1] crusader[1] crowley[1] craig[1] cpanel[1] coupon[1] cosmo[1] copy[1] copy123[1] cool[1] consul[1] confused[1] confluence[1] compras[1] composer[1] coin[1] cognos[1] code[1] cod4server[1] cnp200@HW[1] cms[1] cmc[1] cloud@123[1] close[1] client123[1] click1[1] christian123[1] chris123[1] chkdsk[1] china[1] china@888[1] chester[1] cheese[1] check[1] charles[1] charles123[1] changem3[1] chang3me[1] Ch3I5Lik3P4rtY@v3r[1] cgadmin[1] cesar123[1] cert[1] centos@123[1] center[1] celery[1] cecilia[1] ceadmin[1] catherine[1] cassandra[1] cashier[1] carlosg[1] carlos123[1] carl[1] canal[1] caja01[1] cactus[1] cactiuser[1] c3ntos[1] c0ntr4sys2015$[1] by[1] bureau[1] build[1] bso[1] bryan[1] brutus[1] bruno123[1] bruna[1] brett[1] bramos[1] Br4pbr4p[1] bpoint[1] bootcamp[1] bogdan[1] bmml[1] blue[1] blue123[1] bloomberg[1] blackarch[1] bitnami[1] bit[1] bitbucket[1] binance[1] billy123[1] billing[1] bigdata[1] benjamin[1] ben[1] beavis1[1] beatriz[1] bbuser[1] bbb[1] bash[1] basesystem[1] base[1] bart[1] barry[1] balu[1] balance[1] bai[1] badboy[1] bacula[1] backupuser[1] backup123[1] back_newshops[1] baba123[1] azerty123[1] azar123[1] auser[1] aura[1] audrey[1] atv[1] atualiza[1] asusasus[1] aster1sk[1] ashish[1] asdfzxcv[1] ASDFqwer[1] asdfjkl[1] asdf!@%23$[1] asdf@1234[1] asdASD123[1] asdasd1234[1] Asd123[1] 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squid | 1950 | zs[2] zhangzjn[2] zhangtao[2] zea[2] zbomc[2] zb[2] zack[2] young[2] yoshi[2] yankees[2] Yagamy[2] xymon[2] xiejz[2] xiaoming[2] xbox[2] x86_64[2] wuhusihairy10[2] ws[2] wp123[2] wood[2] wireless[2] wiki[2] whee123[2] wenwen[2] welcome3[2] weblogic@123[2] wangchen[2] wale123[2] w433iqoq[2] vx[2] vscode321[2] vrcbackup[2] vmuser[2] vl[2] vinay@123[2] vikas[2] v[2] Verila[2] venus[2] vagrant1[2] v33sM@rketing[2] usercopias[2] User@123[2] uno50[2] uiojklm,.123[2] uatuser[2] tushar@123[2] tuser[2] ts3user[2] tristan[2] transmission[2] tmektep[2] tkssk78[2] timson[2] thor[2] testu[2] testor[2] test!@[2] testColumbiaFTP[2] test10[2] tesla[2] Teija[2] techsupport[2] team123[2] tbox1[2] taylor[2] tams[2] Talent123[2] System32[2] syedmahtab[2] sw[2] su[2] student5[2] steampass[2] stacey[2] sshtunnel[2] sshproxy[2] squadserver[2] sqoop[2] sportsandevents[2] spigot[2] speedpac[2] sonia[2] sonar123[2] solution[2] sj[2] sispac[2] sisfmadmin[2] sinead[2] sijimon[2] sigma[2] 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vmuser[1] vishal[1] violation[1] vikas[1] victor123[1] vicky123[1] vd[1] vbev[1] vastcar[1] valerie[1] vadmin[1] usman[1] %25username%2512[1] User@123[1] user1123[1] uno50[1] union[1] uiopjkl%3bm,.[1] uiojklm,.[1] uiojklm,.123[1] udin[1] ucadent[1] ubuntuftp[1] tykang[1] txdfaddafadfdafaf[1] tutor[1] tushar@123[1] tuser[1] turtle[1] tti[1] ts3user[1] traffic[1] tower[1] topo133[1] tootsie[1] toor@1234[1] tomek[1] tomcat!@%23[1] tomcat9[1] tomcat@123[1] toke123[1] tmuser[1] tkssk78[1] timson[1] Time88[1] thor[1] text[1] testor[1] testing12345[1] testColumbiaFTP[1] test6[1] test@2019[1] Test1234![1] Test@1234[1] tesla[1] telegraf[1] techsupport[1] tech1[1] team123[1] tcp1990[1] tcl[1] tbox1[1] tatertot[1] taskrunner[1] tams[1] taller[1] System32[1] syedmahtab[1] sybase123[1] swift[1] svnroot[1] sv[1] surya[1] super@visor123[1] superuser01[1] sun123[1] stu[1] student5[1] storage[1] steampass[1] starbogi[1] ssword[1] ssr[1] sshtunnel[1] sshproxy[1] squadserver[1] sptbadmin[1] sportsandevents[1] sporting[1] spongebob[1] spigot[1] speedpac[1] sonar123[1] solution[1] sogeipa[1] smile[1] skekraft[1] sj[1] sistemas2[1] sisfmadmin[1] sign[1] sigma[1] si[1] sia[1] shs[1] shoopala[1] shirley123[1] shinyee[1] sharp[1] shannon[1] sha123[1] sftp[1] server!@%23456[1] server123$[1] server12345[1] sbserver[1] sardar[1] sandrpetrovic[1] sandeep[1] samy[1] samsung1[1] samir[1] %23Salutar1[1] sahil[1] s0p0rt3[1] ruben123[1] rtest[1] rp[1] ross[1] roro[1] rootroot1234[1] root21[1] root@2019[1] root2010[1] Root123![1] root123$[1] root@123$%25^[1] root-123[1] root1234%25^&*[1] root12345@[1] Root!123456[1] root11[1] ronak[1] roland[1] rit[1] rex123[1] reward[1] research[1] renault[1] realestate[1] rds[1] raul[1] rasp[1] rainer[1] rahmafauzi[1] raf[1] radio1[1] qwezxc789[1] Qwerty1[1] qwerty123!@%23[1] Qwerty123321[1] qwert@12345[1] qwer!234[1] Qwer@123[1] qwer`123[1] !@%23QWEqwe[1] qweqwe1[1] qweQWE123!@%23[1] qwe!@%23$%25[1] !q@w%23e[1] !@%23QWEasdzxc[1] qweasd!@%23[1] 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adminxxx[1] administracion[1] adminimda[1] Admin!@%23$%25[1] Admin!@%23$%25^[1] admin%3b[1] admin789[1] admin4[1] Admin2012[1] admin@1qaz@WSX[1] Admin@1qaz2wsx[1] Admin12[1] ADMIN@123[1] admin!1234[1] Admin12345^&[1] Admin123456@[1] admin1111[1] adieguez[1] adidas[1] adein[1] adadad[1] activemq[1] abuladze[1] abonofull[1] abhartech[1] ABCD!@%23[1] abcde[1] abcde1234%25[1] abcde1234%25^&[1] abcde1234%25^[1] abcde@1234[1] abcdabcd[1] Abcd!@%23456[1] Abcd12%23[1] abcd123!@%23[1] abcd123![1] Abcd1234![1] Abcd.1234[1] abcabc123[1] abcabc123123[1] Abc123$%25[1] Abc.123[1] abc!123[1] Abc!1234[1] abc!12345[1] abc123456.[1] aB123456[1] Ab@1234567[1] Ab12345678[1] Aa123654[1] Aa123321[1] a1![1] A1b2c3d4[1] A123456.[1] A@123456[1] A123@123[1] A@0599343813[1][1] 87iukj,m[1] 7ujmko0-=[1] 789uiojklm,.[1] 7895123[1] 72ca06[1] 72b1bd75ac87852a[1] 6yhnm,[1] 66668888[1] 5faWed2ff8aA116e3X1faZ0I0f719Qf40obe[1] 5demayo[1] 543tregfdbvc[1] 501501[1] 500[1] 4a1bb02a45[1] 3HQAckn29Z!@%23[1] 34@qwew[1] 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root | 782 | Aa111111.[14] 1qq2w3e4r5t[13] Aa123123[12] gx123456[10] 20222022[10] Sajan@123[9] root!1[9] Pa55word01[9] A100s200[9] !234qwer[9] 001002[9] 1q2w3e4r[7] root4444[6] abc123_[6] 1qazXsw2[6] 12345678AA[6] Voda@123[5] virus[5] Support@12345[5] qw@123456[5] Pass@12345[5] maverick[5] Ma123456.[5] 123456789aA@[5] Root2023[4] 111111[4] qweasdzxc[3] 1234567890[3] yY123456[2] VESOFT[2] uw123456[2] ubuntu[2] tivonpw[2] test[2] telsen856856[2] TELESUP[2] t1t2t3a5[2] surt[2] smile[2] root[2] Root1234567[2] Qwer2023[2] qwer@123[2] public%2fprivate%2fsecret[2] P@ssw0rdz124[2] Pa$$w0rd12345[2] password[2] Password123!!![2] password123[2] OkWKcECs0qJP2z[2] NLgen7ez[2] Mh123456[2] LcYM8z6g5[2] juniper123[2] ITF3000[2] innot1t2[2] Huawei@2022[2] HPOFFICE[2] Google123$[2] eve[2] envision[2] dmr99[2] dbps[2] cq123456@[2] COGNOS[2] c225@cRAx[2] bwcon[2] blacksheepwall[2] ascend[2] admin[2] abc123[2] a1234[2] 99999[2] 520520[2] 1q2w3e4r5t![2] 1[2] 123[2] 1234[2] 12345[2] 12345asdfg[2] 123456[2] 123456Ca[2] 12345678[2] 123456789[2] 123123[2] 1123581321[2] 10[2] 0[2] ZfTljublsx[1] zeosx[1] zabbix[1] z0ondiarms[1] ys123456[1] year2000[1] xyzall[1] xxyyzz[1] xo11nE[1] XLSERVER[1] xdfk9874t3[1] x-admin[1] x40rocks[1] Wz123456[1] wyse[1][1] wrgg15_di524[1] WORD[1] WOOD[1] wlsepassword[1] wlsedb[1] winterm[1] WINDOWS_PASSTHRU[1] windows[1] wg (touch password)[1] webibm[1] WebBoard[1] Web@0063[1] wbox %2f 123[1] WARPGENUP1[1] WANGTEK[1] w2402[1] w0rkplac3rul3s[1] VRR1[1] vpn123[1] vertex25[1] USER_TEMPLATE[1] User[1] user access[1] USER8[1] USER6[1] USER4[1] USER2[1] USER0[1] uplink[1] umountfsys[1] UI-PSWD-02[1] UI-PSWD-01[1] tslinux[1] TSDEV[1] trocse[1] trade[1] tracell[1] touchpwd=[1] toshy99[1] Toshiba[1] toplayer[1] topicres[1] timely[1] Tiger[1] tiger123[1] tiaranet[1] the same all over[1] teX1[1] tempW0rd[1] telus00[1] telos[1] tellabs%231[1] Telkomdso123[1] TCH[1] tatercounter2000[1] TANDBERG[1] sysopr[1] sys%2fchange_on_install[1] sysAdmin[1] sysadmin[1] sysadm[1] symantec[1] switch[1] SUPERVISOR[1] SUPER[1] sudo access[1] studentrw0rp[1] stfu_and_work[1] stfu_and_stay_at_home[1] stfu_and_calm[1] star[1] SSA[1] sresurdf[1] spooml[1] SpIp[1] Spacve[1] sp99dd[1] software01[1] SMDR[1] smcadmin[1] sky[1] sistema[1] setup%2fnopassword[1] SESAME[1] Serv4EMC[1] sertafu[1] Serial Num[1] Serial Number[1] $secure$[1] secofr[1] SECDEMO[1] sec00000[1] sd123456[1] SAMPLE[1] rwmaint[1] r@p8p0r+[1] rootpassword[1] !root[1] root@1234[1] root@111[1] rodopi[1] ROBELLE[1] rmnetlm[1] RMAIL[1] RJE[1] rezareza[1] resumix[1] REGO[1] redips[1] redhat[1] rcustpw[1] radware[1] radius[1] R1QTPS[1] !q@w%23e$r%25^y&[1] qwerty[1] qwaszx123[1] qsysopr[1] qsvr[1] qsecofr[1] qazwsx12!@[1] Pvremote[1] PUBSUB[1] public[1] p@ssw0rd123!@%23[1] prost[1] PRODDTA[1] PRINT[1] POWERCARTUSER[1] powerapp[1] Power123[1] PlsChgMe[1] pixadmin[1] piranha[1] pilou[1] pgj-heu05HQM=bMvz[1] patrol[1] Password@123[1] PASSW0RD[1] pass@123[1] par0t[1] pA22wordunt[1] P@55w0rd![1] P@33word[1] p1nacate[1] overseer[1] OUTLN[1] OR su@psir[1] orion99[1] ORDPLUGINS[1] orangepi[1] oracle[1] OP.OPERATOR[1] openhabian[1] often blank[1] NULL[1] ntacdmax[1] noway[1] nokia[1] nobody[1] nmspw[1] NICONEX[1] nfcuser[1] NeXT[1] NetVCR[1] NetSurvibox[1] NetSeq[1] netscreen[1] netman[1] NETFRAME[1] NetCache[1] NETBASE[1] ncrm[1] NAMES[1] naadmin[1] mysweex[1] my_DEMARC[1] mui3dinvoleu[1] mu[1] MTYSYS[1] MServer[1] mpegvideo[1] motorola[1] Model%23 of camera[1] mlusr[1] MiniAP[1] MILLER[1] microbusiness[1] michems[1] michelangelo[1] MGR.SYS[1] mercury[1] medion[1] mecktech[1] MDSYS[1] Mau'dib[1] masterkey[1] master[1] MANAGER.SYS[1] manager[1] !manage[1] maintpw[1] maint[1] maintain[1] m1122[1] lucy99[1] lucenttech1[1] LR-ISDN[1] lpadm[1] LOTUS[1] looker[1] locatepw[1] lineprin[1] LASERWRITER[1] lantronix[1] laflaf[1] kbro-TFM[1] kali[1] k8iJyAeVX[1] JzTkI2gP3[1] jC7!8D@g7c[1] j43@aR%25E[1] J2SONX26A[1] iwill[1] isee[1] ironport[1] INVALID[1] INTX3[1] intermec[1] Intel[1] intel[1] initpw[1] infrant1[1] informix[1] infinity[1] indspw[1] inads[1] imss7.0[1] iDirect[1] @HuaweiHgw[1] Huawei12%23$[1] HTTP[1] hs7mwxkk[1] HPWORD PUB[1] HPP196[1] HPP189[1] HPP187 SYS[1] HPP187[1] HPONLY[1] HPOFFICE DATA[1] HPLASER[1] HPDESK[1][1] highspeed[1] hennecke[1] Helpdesk[1] hawk201[1] halt[1] hagpolm1[1] GUESTGUEST[1] GPLD[1] gniffe[1] GlobalAdmin[1] gen2[1] gen1[1] free4me[1] @%23$%25^&*!()[1] forgot[1] FOOBAR[1] fliradmin[1] Fireport[1] FIELD.SUPPORT[1] FAXWORKS[1] FAXUSER[1] fastwire[1] familymacintosh[1] fal[1] factorycast@schneider[1] factorycast[1] Fact4EMC[1] FaAmU5p2F~[1] extendnet[1] expert[1] expert03[1] Exabyte[1] equalizer[1] epicrouter[1] enquirypw[1] endian[1] elasticsearcz[1] e500changeme[1] @dsl_xilno[1] dreambox[1] draadloos[1] dni[1] dn_04rjc[1] DISC[1] detmond[1] DEMO8[1] d.e.b.u.g[1] Deadstar!%23%25[1] de2Y@3CjX8[1] dD9gYm25X5[1] DBSNMP[1] db2admin[1] Daytec[1] davox[1] d1scovery[1] cyber[1] custpw[1] CTXSYS[1] Crystal[1] crS0xxMRi1[1] Craftr4[1] craftpw[1] craft[1] counter[1] correct[1] corecess[1] CONV[1] Congress[1] Compaq[1] COMPANY[1] comcomcom[1] Col2ogro2[1] col1ma[1] CNAS[1] cms500[1] cmaker[1] citel[1] $chwarzepumpe[1] chinese[1] changeme (exclamation)[1] changeme2[1] cgadmin[1] centreon[1] cellit[1] CDEMOUCB[1] CDEMOCOR[1] ccrusr[1] CCC[1] cbf8127893d39[1] cassandra[1] CAROLIAN[1] cacadmin[1] cable-docsis[1] browsepw[1] BRIDGE[1] bluepw[1] blender[1] (blank)[1] bintec[1] BIGO[1] bcnaspw[1] bcmspw[1] bcimpw[1] bciimpw[1] bbs[1] barricade[1] barney[1] babbit[1] autocad[1] attack[1] atlantis[1] asus[1] asecret[1] Ascend[1] AQUSER[1] APPS[1] any@[1] antonio[1] and 2000 Series[1] amiga[1] AitbISP4eCiG[1] AGADIR1969[1] adtran[1] adslroot[1] adslolitec[1] admin pass[1] Admin@huawei[1][1] ADMIN (23646)[1] admin_1[1] admin %2f 1111[1] admin01[1] admin00[1] Admidmin[1] Adm@2023[1] Aa520520[1] aa124578[1] Aa123321[1] Aa112211[1] A52896nG93096a[1] a3AjqjvC2qk[1] 9999[1] 987654321[1] 930920[1] 8p7r7FGYg7[1] 8p7r7FGYg7A[1] 87654321[1] 8429[1] 8111[1] 7ujMko0admin[1] 7{@}rA@d9Tf[1] 7Pie86Px5E[1] 7Ier28Yt79c[1] 7936[1] @%23$7%25^&*0![1] 6VBa3ut7[1] 6t7SF7Su7r[1] 654654654[1] 5777364[1] 56789[1] 52jj1314[1] 4tas[1] 4getme2[1] 4321 %2f admin[1] 4321 %2f 1111111[1] 401!VEN[1] *3noguru[1] 3477[1] 333[1] 31994[1] 266344[1] 2501[1] 240653C9467E45[1] 22222222[1] 21241036[1] 1qazxsW@[1] 1qaz@WSX[1] 1qaz2wsx[1] 1PTV-ADM1N[1] 166816[1] 1502[1] 123!@%23QWE[1] 123.qwe[1] 123!@%23[1] 123456qYlhXa[1] 111%23[1] 11111111[1] 1111111111[1] 10023[1] 0 or 0000[1] 0l0ctyQh443O93uD[1] 0l0ctyQh243O63uD[1] 0 and the number of OCE[1] 00001[1] 00000[1] |
jack | 19 | 12345[11] jack12345[6] 12345678[2] |
abs | 11 | abs[11] |
sklad | 11 | sklad[11] |
asif | 11 | 123123[11] |
admin | 11 | admin[6] root[2] p@$$w0rd[2] Admin123![1] |
kai | 10 | 1[10] |
hadi | 10 | hadi1234[10] |
sabnzbd | 10 | sabnzbd[10] |
db2admin | 10 | db2admin[10] |
t | 10 | 1[10] |
minecraft | 10 | 1234[10] |
sct | 10 | 123456[10] |
sasa | 10 | sasa123[10] |
zjb | 10 | 123456[10] |
user03 | 10 | 1234[10] |
oracle | 10 | system[10] |
rust | 9 | rust[9] |
mehran | 9 | 1234567[9] |
eduardo | 9 | 12345678[9] |
urt | 9 | urt[9] |
jboss | 9 | password[9] |
elite | 9 | elite[9] |
niko | 9 | niko123[9] |
user | 8 | 1qq2w3e4r5t[6] user1[2] |
tim | 7 | 123[6] tim[1] |
cheeki | 6 | M3gaP33![6] |
burak | 6 | burak123[6] |
webuser | 6 | password[6] |
aoki | 6 | aoki[6] |
jenkins | 6 | Jenkins@123[6] |
debian | 6 | admin123[6] |
ehsan | 5 | 123[5] |
ghostcms | 5 | 123456[5] |
paula | 5 | 123[5] |
library | 5 | library[5] |
pbsdata | 5 | pbsdata[5] |
pzuser | 5 | pzuser[5] |
user3 | 4 | qwerty[4] |
openvpn | 4 | 1[4] |
Antminer | 4 | root[2] admin[2] |
postgres | 3 | x[2] 123321[1] |
ali | 3 | ali@123456[2] ali123[1] |
validator | 3 | validator[3] |
rs | 2 | 123[2] |
ironman | 2 | ironman[2] |
laura | 2 | laura12345[2] |
mahdi | 2 | mahdi[2] |
yaoyao | 2 | yaoyao123[2] |
leila | 2 | leila1234[2] |
cyl | 2 | cyl[2] |
mehdi | 2 | 123456[2] |
johny | 2 | johny123[2] |
admin01 | 2 | Aa123456[2] |
emily | 2 | emily[2] |
marek | 2 | marek[2] |
naemon | 2 | naemon[2] |
node | 2 | node[2] |
golden | 2 | golden[2] |
common | 2 | common[2] |
akshat | 2 | akshat[2] |
ftpuser1 | 2 | test[2] |
resolve | 2 | resolve[2] |
administrator | 2 | passw0rd[2] |
xuchi | 2 | xuchi[2] |
db2fenc1 | 2 | db2fenc1[2] |
www | 2 | www1[2] |
ubuntu1 | 2 | ubuntu1[2] |
docker | 2 | docker123[2] |
wsuser | 2 | wsuser[2] |
ftpuser | 2 | ftpuser12345[2] |
baikal | 2 | baikal[2] |
snow | 2 | snow[2] |
trc | 2 | trc[2] |
sinha | 2 | sinha[2] |
sp | 1 | 123456[1] |
user1 | 1 | user1pass[1] |
airtel | 1 | airtel123[1] |
vyos | 1 | vyos[1] |
letsencrypt | 1 | letsencrypt[1] |
ubuntu | 1 | !Q2w3e4r[1] |
solana | 1 | solana[1] |
adsdx | 1 | foobar[1] |
marco | 1 | 123[1] |
test | 1 | 000[1] |
user123 | 1 | user123[1] |
rakesh | 1 | 123456[1] |
lhx | 1 | lhx[1] |
cdd | 1 | cdd[1] |
sysadmin | 1 | Password1[1] |
teamspeak3 | 1 | test[1] |